onsdag 22 december 2010

Nr. 2 – Miriam Makeba

Miriam Makeba sang about her beloved South Africa. For many years she lived in exile from her home country just for singing. She sang songs about the real South Africa. She described the injustice, she sang about fear, about oppression, about poverty and this certainly was not approved by the ruling government. She was a strong woman who fought the injustice she had seen with her voice as a weapon. This makes her cool. But she did not just sing songs about misery. She was a proud South African who sang songs of joy, of different African dances (Such as Pata Pata), traditions, her own people and stories of her home country. This also makes her cool. She managed to portray the injustice at the same time as she painted a beautiful picture of the South African culture.

2 kommentarer:

  1. ah, får världsmusikquizvibbar... bara EN dag kvar!!!11

  2. hahahaha "...vi skrev Afrika på den också"

    Och när det tillslut kom in lite riktig kunskap i tävlingen:
    "Det här är från Mississippi, det kallas howlin'..."
    "Eeeeeller så är det en vietnamesisk manlighetsritual!"
