About the Blog

It started as a countown of what I then thought were the coolest women in music. While I formed the list friends gave me tips and I found new bands, artists and singers on the internet and it seemed to be an endless amount of really talented and interesting acts. One singer led me to another band which led me to another artist and so on. And now I have a growing list on Spotify consisting of nearly 700 different female acts.
What started off as a silly project listing the 100 coolest female musicians I could think of turned into more of a quest to gather all these women on one site.

Now: When I feel like it and when I have time I will continue presenting different female musicians.(supplement for The Coolest Women In Music-list)

June-August 2011: Prince is King (countdown, for the consert of the year: Prince on Way Out West, posting clips of one of the greatest performers ever). Although I removed all this since Prince-videos go on and off YouTube all the time and it's impossible to keep track and update all the time.

Jan-Feb 2011: Presenting cool female musicians (supplement for the Coolest...-list)

Dec 2010: Listing the coolest women in music (top 101 coolest women in music. A list that could be changed many times, replacing some with others and changing the order. But in December 2010, this was my view on the subject.)